Pihole is a DNS sinkhole which provides the ability to block content Network wide without any need for client software.
What that essentially means is that we can use a Pihole Install to filter any unwanted content (In our case Ads) for all out network clients without any client-side configuration, This is especially usefull for mobile devices.
Note: Pihole CANNOT block Youtube Ads, A Browser extension like uBlock Origin might help better there.
- A Raspberry-PI 3 or UP
- A SD Card
- Access to your DHCP Server (Usually inbuilt in your router) to change DNS Server address
- Some free time
Prepare Pi for install
Download base OS image
First we will need to install a base OS for our Pi, we will be using The Raspberry Pi OS for this.
Download the image somewhere on your computer, you can choose any image but the LITE is recommended for headless operations.
Write image to SD Card
First we will need to unzip the downloded file and get the Image file we will write to the sd card.
In my case it’s 2021-05-07-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.img
Note: DO NOT Write the ZIP File directly to the SD card.
Use GUI on Linux/Windows
Pihole provides a nice GUI tool to write images to SD cards called rpi-imager.
Download the rpi-imager
tool for your platform
- Windows
Download the Official Tool from here and install it.
- Linux
Install the rpi-imager from your Distro repos
The command will be diffrent depending on your Distro
On Debian based Distros like Ubuntu simply run
sudo apt update && sudo apt-install rpi-imager
Use dd on Linux
Simply dd the Downloaded image to the sdcard using
sudo dd if=<Path to Image File> of=<PAth to SD card> bs=4096 status=progress && sync
sudo dd if=./2021-05-07-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4096 status=progress && sync
Boot and Update Raspberry-Pi
Insert our newly created sd card in the Pi and boot it up with the network cable plugged in and wait for the initial resize and stuff to finish
A Monitor and keyboard is needed to be atatched if you can’t SSH Into the Pi for configuration and initial setup.
The first boot might take some time.
Login once done the default username is pi
and the password is raspberry
Update the system with
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Reboot the Pi to make sure all our updates are applied
Install Pi-hole
The Pi-hole Project provides a nice handy script to get us started
Simply Run
curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
Note the WEB GUI Password it generates, We will need that to further configure Pi-hole and monitor status
Configure Pi-hole
After all this is done your Pi-hole install should be up and running and now we can configure it
The Pi-hole Project provides a nice WEB GUI to monitor the status aswell as to configure it, It’s available at port 80
under /admin
Get the ip address of Pi using ip addr
Use the Password we got from the Install Script to login.
Usually the default ad blocking lists included in the Pi-hole are tried and tested and will block 90% of the Ads, You can lave it as it is for now.
Change any settings in the GUI you want (the Defaults are fine too).
Reboot the Pi one last time.
Configure the DHCP Server
Although Pi-hole Procides a handy DHCP Server too i usually prefer using my Router’s inbuilt one which you most probably are too.
Configure your DHCP Server (Usually in your Router’s GUI Page) and the change the DNS Server to your Raspberry Pi’s IP Address
Refer to Your Router’s manual page as this step is highly device specific.
Note: Add the Pi’s IP as the Primary DNS Server
You might’ve noticed that there are usually multiple fields for DNS, It’s recommened by the project to leave all the other fields blank and have Pi-hole as your only DNS Provider however if you do this your network will be unusable if your Pi goes down.
We can add a secondry DNS Provider to combat this which will act as a fail over for when the Pi goes down however with this approach some Ads might be able to slip through (Rare).
Some of the Popular secondry DNS Privders you can use are
- Google
- Cloudflare
- OpenDNS
Let me know if i missed anything.