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COLOURWAVE built the Stack em UP app as an Ad Supported app. This SERVICE is provided by COLOURWAVE at no cost and is intended for use as is.
This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use our Service.
If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy....
Prepare Installation Media Download the latest Arch ISO Write image to a USB media Linux Simply use the dd command to write the ISO to the drive
sudo dd if=<Path to ISO> of=<Target Device> bs=4096 status=progress Example
sudo dd if=./archlinux-2021.07.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4096 status=progress Windows On Windows you can use Etcher to write ISOs
Download Etcher and launch it as administrator, then simply write the ISO to the desired drive....
GPG for SSH is not ideal Traditionally we had to use something like GPG to use SSH with our security keys like Yubikeys, which while worked somewhat it severly limited the number of keys we could use, forcing us to use the same ssh key on multiple systems. GPG Also required additional configuration on the client side making it not so ideal if you wanted ease of use and compatibility or use the built in ssh-agent....
Configure Proxmox Before starting it’s a good idea to upgrade our installation with the latest packages using
apt update && apt dist-upgrade Since LXC conatiners use the host’s kernel we’ll need to load all the drivers for ut GPU on the host (Proxmox) itself
Install GPU Drivers Intel If you want to use the Intel GPU in your processor the drivers are most probably installed and activated already by default and if so you can skip to the next step....
Prerequisites This method will work with ANY security keys that support the U2F standard Including but Not limited to Yubikeys, Titan Security Keys etc.
ALL models of Yubikey support U2F.
A Security key supporting the U2F Standard A Linux Box root access to the System you are gonna configure 2FA for Some free time Download the pam-u2f Package Depending on your distro the package might be called something else, here are commands for some common distros...